
Our fortnightly FPS coffee mornings began at the start of lockdown in May 2020 as informal virtual sessions to allow FPS FRA practitioners and administrators to keep in touch and hear about topical pensions issues. 

The sessions have been increasingly popular with a cast list of around 142 at our last coffee morning on 31 October 2023. 

While the sessions are informal only and are not recorded, all available presentations have been collated below. 

If you do not already receive the meeting invitations and would like to join us, please email [email protected]. Please note that attendance at the coffee mornings is generally restricted to FPS practitioners and managers.




Matthews update

PDF, 48 pages, 1006kb)

22 October 2024

Unauthorised payments process for offsetting

(PDF, 12 pages, 933kb)

3 October 2024

Contributions Adjustments

(PDF, 23 pages, 449kb)

11 September 2024

Ill Health Process

(PDF, 37 pages, 768kb)

20 August 2024

GAD note and other topical items 

(PDF, 16 pages, 390kb)

8 August 2024

Contingent Decisions update

(PDF, 15 pages, 348kb)

23 July 2024

Statutory Deadlines

(PDF, 15 pages, 340kb)

9 July 2024

PSPJOA 2022 Compensation mechanism


(PDF, 20 pages, 406kb)

(PDF, 5 pages, 96kb)

11 June 2024

Employee Contributions review


(PDF, 8 pages, 633kb)

(PDF, 5 pages, 196kb)

21 May 2021

Pension Dashboards with TPR

(PDF, 6 pages, 612kb)

7 May 2024

Matthews - Further policy considerations

(PDF, 12 pages, 277kb)

18 April 2024

GAD - Matthews calculator

(PDF, 12 pages, 840kb)

19 March 2024

Matthews - treatment of death cases

(PDF, 17 pages, 372kb)

7 March 2024

Joint Police and Fire Unauthorised Payments - tax treatment Pension Chat

Link to secure member area

29 February 2024

Public Service Pensions Remedy FRS Single Point of Contact (SPOC) HMRC Presentation

Link to secure member area

20 February 2024

Automatic Compensation

(PDF, 21 pages, 328kb)

8 February 2024

TPR Governance and Administration 2022/2023 Survey Results

(PDF, 34 pages, 1,162kb)

30 January 2024

Firefighters' Pension Scheme (England) - 2020 Valuation Results

(PDF, 12 pages, 696kb)

10 January 2024

End of year review and forward look to 2024

(PDF, 20 pages, 268kb)

19 December 2023

Immediate Choice Remediable Service Statement (RSS) and timetabling

(PDF, 11 pages, 186kb)

12 December 2023

Remedy Interest

(PDF, 21 pages, 280kb)

7 November 2023

Matthews GAD calculator launch and demo

(PDF, 13 pages, 526kb)

31 October 2023

Remedy Contingent Decisions

(PDF, 15 pages, 229kb)

17 October 2023

Matthews implementation and GAD calculator update

(PDF, 27 pages, 305kb)

4 October 2023

Retrospective remedy consultation response and regulations

(PDF, 31 pages, 420kb)

3 August 2023

LGA update - Retrospective remedy and Matthews second options exercise

(PDF, 38 pages, 748kb)

11 July 2023

Matthews FRA Calculator

(PDF, 32 pages, 611kb)

6 June 2023

Firefighters and Police Data Conference - Workshop feedback

(PDF, 19 pages, 696kb)

23 May 2023

Home Office Matthews consultation (2023 options exercise)

(PDF, 42 pages, 927kb)

11 April 2023

Home Office retrospective remedy consultation

(PDF, 42 pages, 633kb)

21 March 2023

Pensions dashboard preparations (The Pensions Regulator)

(PDF, 7 pages, 561kb)

14 March 2023

Remedy pre-work special (FRAs)

(PDF, 31 pages, 582kb)

14 February 2023

HMT Remedy Directions

(PDF, 24 pages, 333kb)

26 January 2023

Remedy timetabling

(PDF, 23 pages, 463kb)

5 January 2023

HMRC remedy tax consultation 

(PDF, 27 pages, 279kb)

13 December 2022

Matthews - Policy positions and next steps

(PDF, 18 pages, 173kb)

6 December 2022

Compensation scheme workshop

(PDF, 24 pages, 369kb)

29 November 2022

Discretions workshop 

(PDF, 11 pages, 396kb)

22 November 2022

Retrospective ill-health reassessment

(PDF, 17 pages, 337kb)

8 November 2022

General FPS update: Matthews, 2015 Remedy project management 

(PDF, 16 pages, 713kb)

11 October 2022

Matthews communications (warm-up)

(PDF, 17 pages, 246kb)

27 September 2022

Immediate and deferred choice 

(PDF, 19 pages, 297kb)

6 September 2022

PDP update and standards (Pensions Dashboards Programme)

(PDF, 19 pages, 684kb)

24 August 2022

Remedy eligibility and admin self-assessment survey

(PDF, 23 pages, 269kb)

28 July 2022

General FPS update: Matthews, scheme valuations, SAB remedy engagement

(PDF, 25 pages, 693kb)

12 July 2022

Matthews - lessons learned

(PDF, 20 pages, 239kb)

28 June 2022

TPR Governance and Administration survey results 2020-21 (The Pensions Regulator)

(PDF, 19 pages, 649kb) 14 June 2022

Annual Benefit Statements/ Remediable Service Statements

(PDF, 17 pages, 219kb) 31 May 2022

Transitional benefits post 1 April 2022

(PDF, 35 pages, 780kb) 17 May 2022

Contingent decisions

(PDF, 18 pages, 308kb) 3 May 2022

Remedy project management update #2

(PDF, 18 pages, 641kb) 19 April 2022

The Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Act 2022 (PSPJOA 2022)

(PDF, 29 pages, 709kb) 5 April 2022

Matthews and the 2023 options exercise

(PDF, 19 pages, 508kb) 22 March 2022

Preparing for prospective remedy

(PDF, 12 pages, 245kb) 8 March 2022

Pensions dashboards (Featuring Heywood Pension Technologies)

(PDF, 32 pages, 1,390kb) 22 February 2022

Pensions dashboards - an overview (The Pensions Regulator)

(PDF, 6 pages, 777kb) 7 February 2022


(PDF, 18 pages, 228kb) 25 January 2022

Forward look 2022

(PDF, 17 pages, 535kb) 11 January 2022

Christmas coffee morning

(PDF, 10 pages, 177kb) 21 December 2021

IDF update - UPCs

(PDF, 16 pages,429kb) 23 November 2021

FRA remedy self-assessment survey

(PDF, 19 pages, 216kb) 9 November 2021

General FPS update

(PDF, 14 pages, 239kb) 26 October 2021

Immediate Detriment Framework

(PDF, 14 pages, 239kb) 12 October 2021

Scheme valuations and cost control overview (First Actuarial)

(PDF, 30 pages, 821kb) 28 September 2021

Remedy project management update

(PDF, 14 pages, 487kb) 14 September 2021

One-pot ill-health and death recap

(PDF, 21 pages, 409kb) 31 August 2021

Remedy project management

(PDF, 15 pages, 294kb) 23 March 2021

Age discrimination remedy

(PDF, 22 pages, 575kb) 9 February 2021